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The Stagecoach Story
(ep. #3.1)
6/29/1960 (rerun)
Written by Jean Holloway
Directed by William Witney
Produced by Howard Christie
Debra Paget as Angela DeVarga
Clu Gulager as Caleb Jamison
Henry Darrow (billed as Henry Delgado) as Benito DeVarga
Lalo Rios as Juan
Abraham Sofaer as Antonio
Initially, Flint has plans to take a riverboat cruise to New Orleans with the beautiful Mexican dancer, Angela, played by Deborah Paget. But his friend Caleb Jamison, played by Clu Gulagar, breaks his arm while helping Flint in a fist fight. Turns out that Caleb’s father’s stagecoach company will go bust unless they make a run to St. Louis carrying the U.S. Mail. This run is very important as making the trip in the proscribed time will guarantee a government contract and keep the company afloat.
So naturally, Flint decides to briefly resume his career as a driver to help his friend out of a jam. This is unbeknowst to passengers Major Adams, Bill and Charlie. All of whom are nursing horrendous hangovers from a big night in San Francisco.
At the first rest break Flint gets a look at the other passengers. He sees Angela, the girl he was supposed to go cruising with but she denies her identity.
As they proceed at greatneck speed, Mexicans overtake the coach, shooting the Major in the process.
Angela, finally admitting her true identity, explains that they are Mexican freedom fighters who need the coach to smuggle guns into Mexico. Eventually, they all agree to help and the mission is a success
Angela’s family offers to help Caleb and Flint to reach St. Louis in the alloted time so the stagecoach line doesn’t go bankrupt. They lead the way along an alternative route. But wait, what’s that in the Pass – Indians! Flint drives the team thru fire to avoid trouble and arrive on time.
Wagon Train
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The crew from the train and Angela.
They made it! Trip routine!

Flint pushes ahead to make the deadline.
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