1960s Cars – Chrysler

by Michael RichComment — Updated August 5, 2023

Welcome to 1960s Cars – Chrysler

60.chrysler.desoto1960 Chrysler DeSoto
Sales were slipping for Chrysler’s big cars
so the DeSoto got a redesign,
it was basically a Windsor which was dropped from the lineup
flying fins and boomerang taillights were the bright spots of this year

Cost: $3,340.0060.chrysler1.intChrysler 300 Interior61.chry.3001961 Chrysler Newport Chrysler’s response to the growing compact market
was a lower priced full size car, the Newport selling for less than $3000.
It was the best selling Chrysler this year

Cost: $2,975.0062.chry.imperial1962 Chrysler Imperial
Gone are the tail fins and in is the split grill
Imperial got a quickie restyle this year and pulled some 1955 style ideas back out
the buying public must of liked it because sales jumped for the first time in years

Cost: $3,640.0063.chry.ny1963 Chrysler New Yorker
Chrysler still wanted to hang on to it’s big car image
this New Yorker Salon was a “Spring Special”
fully equipped with power everything including cruise and a vinyl roof
only 563 were sold

Cost: $5,850.0063.chry.ad64.chyr.300k1964 Chrysler 300-K
This “Silver Special” was a mid year best seller
overall 300 and New Yorker sales were up this year
since being the pace car for the Indinapolis 500 last year
people wanted a luxury car that was also a hot rod

Cost: $3,550.001965 Chrysler 3001965 Chrysler 300

Sales were brisk for Chrysler this year
in part because the 300 was the official Indianapolis 500 pace car
late in last model year and buyers wanted a luxury sporty car

Cost: $3,585.00

1965 Chrysler Newport

1965 Chrysler Newport Convertible

Cost: $3,440.00 (base)
1966 Chrysler car1966 Chrysler 300

All new Chryslers got some new trim and grill treatment
however not much else changed
except some Coupes (shown) received a slant back roof line

Cost: $3,805.001967 Chrysler Imperial1967 Chrysler Imperial

The Imperial Crown was still the luxury flag bearer for Chrysler
it received a mild redesign and a stretch to 127 inches this year
priced considerably less than Cadillac or Lincoln it still wasn’t a big seller

Cost: $6,650.001968 Chrysler 300

1968 Chrysler 300 Convertible

New government safety and emission standards
kept car makers busy this year
this 300 however did get a restyle with hidden head lights and new air vents
notice the high performance tires, now available on most models

Cost: $4,350.00

1968 Chrysler carsixties auto1969 Chrysler 300 Convertible

It got heavier and wider with a new grill
the only thing that didn’t grow was sales, they shrunk
this would be the last year for the 300 and Newport ragtops

Cost: $4,475.00

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